Trade Terminal

TT (Trade Terminal), a digital currency market maker based in Silicon Valley, offers a range of services for digital currency including market making, secondary market investment, early investment, token online, and consulting. TT is among the largest cryptocurrency traders in the world and trades spot and derivatives on several top exchanges. Its Asia regional headquarters is located in Japan and the company also has technical services in Shanghai China.


Trade Terminal最新远程工作招聘信息


TT (Trade Terminal), a digital currency market maker based in Silicon Valley, offers a range of services for digital currency including market making, secondary market investment, early investment, token online, and consulting. TT is among the largest cryptocurrency traders in the world and trades spot and derivatives on several top exchanges. Its Asia regional headquarters is located in Japan and the company also has technical services in Shanghai China.


• 主导、参与新技术、新课题的研究与开发,持续提升优化系统性能,保证系统运行的安全、稳定 与效率;
• 对现存或未来系统进行思考与规划,提供统一的框架、平台或组件方案。


• 熟悉前端工具链 (Webpack, Babel, Less, PostCSS, etc、),熟悉混合开发模式,基于Vue、React 和Node.JS生态的技术栈;
• 熟练使用VUE/REACT全家桶,熟悉NoSQL数据库设计、使用及优化;
• 熟悉 HTTP 协议以及浏览器原理,有前端性能优化经验优先;
• 了解各种编程范式,应用框架和接口设计模式,遇到问题可以一查到底,善用工具,对工程效率 有自己的见解;
• 统招985/211本科或研究生,计算机、通信、电子、软件工程等相关专业;
• 英语4级或以上,口语流利者优先,拥有虚心好学,仔细认真的工作态度;


  1. 有相关实习经历
  2. 独立搭建过和维护过网站的优先
  3. 能独立设计和实现能满足需求的接口、组件、库、命令行工具、服务者优先。
