Gradle Inc.是一家硅谷的创业公司,使命是通过自动化构建工具来提高开发者生产力。主要的开源项目是Gradle 构建工具,是 Java 世界中排名第一的构建工具。
Gradle 的技术团队是纯远程工作,工程师分布在五个洲。现在 Gradle Build Tool team 希望招聘一名软件工程师。Gradle 的全球薪资水平基本一致,不会对中国工程师做特殊限制,所以理论上,同等条件下的国内薪资 x2/x3 也是可能的。发美元。
- 1.英语。英语水平要求很高,不仅是能阅读英文文档,而且要完全无障碍地和团队(包括其他的非英语母语成员)开会讨论问题。这一点是门槛,达不到的话就不用继续了。
- 2.自律。由于很少人在 UTC+8 附近,大多数时间下要独自工作,因此需要格外的自律。这个自律表现在,你需要证明你可以在无人监督的情况下高效地工作。
- 3.对 JVM 有深入理解。Gradle 是真正的“面试造火箭,进来造火箭”,Gradle 是构建工具,因此要求你对 JVM 的原理有非常深入的理解。
- 4.最好深入研究过 Gradle 或者编写过 Gradle 插件。
What we offer
- Work on a fast-growing product with millions of users and a clear vision for the future.
- Cooperation with highly accomplished engineers and the opportunity to learn from them regardless of your experience level.
- Ability to work from any place on the planet in a remote-first environment.
What we value
- Unbreakable desire to make other software engineers more effective.
- Craftsmanship in all forms of work.
- Ability to deeply consider and document tradeoffs inherent in software design.
- Pragmatism in execution and getting things done.
- Strong customer and community focus.
- Sense of humor and egoless ownership of projects.
Bonus skills
- Experience contributing to and leading open-source projects.
- Familiarity with the Gradle Build Tool.
- Experience with the diverse set of technologies used by our users, including native languages and mobile development platforms.
- Team leadership skills.
- Consulting experience.